Thursday, April 22, 2010

Timmons Family 2010

It has been a whirlwind of a year so far. Back in December, Cody and I made the decision to move our family back to the Amarillo area. After nearly four years in Denver City we felt that God was calling for us to make a change. It had been a blessing to be so close to both of our families when JB and Taylor were born, but God had something else planned for us.

When we moved to Amarillo in 2004 Cody started working for Maxor National Pharmacies flying their airplane with an old friend from high school. It was an extremely hard decision for us to leave the company and move to Denver City when we did. We loved the people and we especially loved Amarillo. In December, Cody received a phone call asking if he would be interested in coming back to work for Maxor at his old position. We knew in our hearts that this was the change God had planned for us. January 2nd Cody was off to school for two weeks of training. A week later on Friday, January 8th the kids and I headed to Amarillo with a u-haul in tow to sign papers on our new house. Cody was able to meet us Saturday afternoon to unload boxes and enjoy a little air mattress time. The next weekend the kids, me, and my in-laws brought two more trailers full of goodies to the new house. We had lots of boxes, but very little furniture to speak of. Cody was finally finished with school, and early the next week we made the biggest of our moving trips with the largest of u-hauls trucks. The furniture had arrived!

A few days later, we were snowed in. January and February brought lots of snow to the Panhandle, and I loved it. We enjoyed an outrageous number of fires in the fireplace and put our new Home-Sweet-Home together. In March, we headed back to Lubbock for me to have surgery. In December, I had blood drawn to test for the breast cancer genetic mutations. I tested positive for the BRCA 2 mutation. March 12th I went in and had a preventative double mastectomy to reduce my overall chances of having breast cancer. I am now continuing to recover from surgery and in the expansion process of breast reconstruction. If you would like more information on all of this, please see my blog, How Young is too Young?

April brought around the first Tornado of the season. Cody and I watched it come down several miles to the West of our house. We had been watching the storms from our back porch for a while.

We are settled in now, and it definitely feels like HOME!! God has continued to bless us, and has provided us with a wonderful new Church Family. We became members at the Church of Christ on Bushland Road in March. God has big plans for this growing little Church, and we are excited to be a part of them!

The Timmons Family is looking forward to the Summer and all of the adventures we will be having. At the end of last summer we were fortunate enough to be able to buy a Pop-up-camper. We had two wonderful camping trips with the kids before the summer ended. There are so many fun options to take the kids to and explore very close to Amarillo, so I know we will be very busy this summer.

Hope you have enjoyed the update! Talk to you soon...

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